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Thread: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

  1. #1

    Default Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    I have been looking for this answer for years and years now.

    My hair is very coarse and "naturally dry" - i think my type is 2a C ii - and I have tried a lot of stuff to handle humidity but absolutely nothing has worked for me!

    My shampoo/cond usually consists of either Redken, KMS or similar. Currently a Pureology shampoo and Redken conditioner, plus I sometimes use agadir argan oil in spray form. Though recently I've started using a redken leave in creme for curly hair.

    anyway, moving on... I've tried countless things, mousse, gel, humidity seal spray, oil, cream, serum, hair spray, and in many different brands, but nothing helps!

    Oddly enough we barely have a humidity problem here (compared to more tropical places), but it's enough if I'm im at a place where the wind is coming from the ocean, or if its just a slight morning dew, or a "wet hot" summer day, or if it's been raining earlier that day.

    Anything slightly humid willl make my hair a super-fro! It doesn't even properly curl, it just goes absolutely haywire, every strand of hair doing it's own thing, to the point where it actually feels very uncomfortable around my scalp!

    Please don't tell me I'm the only one with such sensitive hair!? Is there really a remedy?

    I've tried Lee Staffords anti-humidity line, and when I used the shampoo/cond and the hair spray, there was a slight difference, it DID feel a bit better, but not by much, plus the shampoo was a bit harsh tbh, AND the spray actually smell like molded bread, no joke it's the exact same smell, hahaha.. :\

    I also tried what looked like a Fructis gel-spray thing at a hair salon (they dont sell Fructis obviously) I'm not sure what brand it was, but the bottle was a small, round one, neon green and the product smelled tropical-coconut-ish.

    Soo, for those who also have extremely sensetive hair when it comes to humidity, do you use any products that actually help? It's a really big concern of mine because I always have to wear a pony tail :\

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    Quote Originally Posted by solitudinarian View Post
    I have been looking for this answer for years and years now.

    My hair is very coarse and "naturally dry" - i think my type is 2a C ii - and I have tried a lot of stuff to handle humidity but absolutely nothing has worked for me!

    My shampoo/cond usually consists of either Redken, KMS or similar. Currently a Pureology shampoo and Redken conditioner, plus I sometimes use agadir argan oil in spray form. Though recently I've started using a redken leave in creme for curly hair.

    anyway, moving on... I've tried countless things, mousse, gel, humidity seal spray, oil, cream, serum, hair spray, and in many different brands, but nothing helps!

    Oddly enough we barely have a humidity problem here (compared to more tropical places), but it's enough if I'm im at a place where the wind is coming from the ocean, or if its just a slight morning dew, or a "wet hot" summer day, or if it's been raining earlier that day.

    Anything slightly humid willl make my hair a super-fro! It doesn't even properly curl, it just goes absolutely haywire, every strand of hair doing it's own thing, to the point where it actually feels very uncomfortable around my scalp!

    Please don't tell me I'm the only one with such sensitive hair!? Is there really a remedy?

    I've tried Lee Staffords anti-humidity line, and when I used the shampoo/cond and the hair spray, there was a slight difference, it DID feel a bit better, but not by much, plus the shampoo was a bit harsh tbh, AND the spray actually smell like molded bread, no joke it's the exact same smell, hahaha.. :\

    I also tried what looked like a Fructis gel-spray thing at a hair salon (they dont sell Fructis obviously) I'm not sure what brand it was, but the bottle was a small, round one, neon green and the product smelled tropical-coconut-ish.

    Soo, for those who also have extremely sensetive hair when it comes to humidity, do you use any products that actually help? It's a really big concern of mine because I always have to wear a pony tail :\
    Yes, there is and it is inexpensive and it can work very, very well,

    Mineral oil/baby oil can moisturize hair better than vegetable oils, sebum and silicones. That is in research.

    Used on damp to very damp hair it can rehydrate dry hair. Used on dry hair with a good moisture level, it can help maintain that level. Used in small quantities it is not greasy.

    It does not seal hair from atmospheric moisture. That is in reseach too.

    It slows down moisture evaporation from hair and slows down atmospheric moisture access to hair, and can help prevent frizz. It is not a seal in either case.

    Used in small quantities it does not leave a heavy coating that can be detected on hair (other than adding shine) and other results. It has done that for me and others here and does not need reapplication between washes, as per the majority of reports.

  3. #3
    Member Nedertane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    Hmm, I thought honey was supposed to help with this sort of thing (used in a treatment, obviously, not dunked on your head ). But please correct me if this is false (my hair seems to be doing better in humidity with a spray of my own creation that has honey in it, but then again, I am also refraining from hot blow drying).

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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nedertane View Post
    Hmm, I thought honey was supposed to help with this sort of thing (used in a treatment, obviously, not dunked on your head ). But please correct me if this is false (my hair seems to be doing better in humidity with a spray of my own creation that has honey in it, but then again, I am also refraining from hot blow drying).
    Honey is a humectant. It can help draw atmospheric moisture to the hair.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    ah, thanks for the link! I've seen someone use babyoil in their hair and their hair looked SO soft! But It wasn't someone I really knew so I felt it would be kinda creepy to start going on about their hair, haha.

    It does not seal hair from atmospheric moisture
    ^ I thought that was the only way to prevent frizz when it came to humidity? That humid air would make coarse/dry hair frizz because it's trying to soak up the humidity? (i say trying like it's got a mind of it's own haha)! - Or it this a misconception?

    Like, my hair will frizz even when wet (i air dry) so I do get a bit sceptical when people say hair frizzes cause it tries to soak up any vapour in the air and such.

  6. #6
    Member caiti42's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    I'm yet to find anything that works for me except for a pony tail ;-)
    grow hair grow!

    follow my blog here

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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    Quote Originally Posted by solitudinarian View Post
    ah, thanks for the link! I've seen someone use babyoil in their hair and their hair looked SO soft! But It wasn't someone I really knew so I felt it would be kinda creepy to start going on about their hair, haha.

    ^ I thought that was the only way to prevent frizz when it came to humidity? That humid air would make coarse/dry hair frizz because it's trying to soak up the humidity? (i say trying like it's got a mind of it's own haha)! - Or it this a misconception?

    Like, my hair will frizz even when wet (i air dry) so I do get a bit sceptical when people say hair frizzes cause it tries to soak up any vapour in the air and such.
    You are very welcome.

    It is a misconception to a degree. You not want sealed hair and neither silicone not mineral oil do that. If the hair is overloaded with product or "sealed", it gets drier. The mineral oil reduces the amount of atmospheric moisture that gets to hair, helping to reduce frizz. It can work very well ETA: and when I have used it and from a lot of reports, the hair not only looks soft but it feels very silky too. There are a few mineral oil/baby oil threads here, the one I linked being the biggest and there are pictures posted too and reports. Good luck with whatever you may try next!

    ETA:2 There is more information on mineral oil/baby oil in my blog below, too.
    Last edited by ktani; March 28th, 2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: ETA and ETA:2

  8. #8

    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    Ahh, thanks for the clear up, Ktani! I'm going to try using babyoil and maybe, just mayybe put some redken leave in at the "top" of my hair, and treat the rest to this oil. Very interesting to hear all this, as I've usually heard these oils being shunned!

    caiti42; me too, haha. But i soo wish I could wear my hair down more often!

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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    Quote Originally Posted by solitudinarian View Post
    Ahh, thanks for the clear up, Ktani! I'm going to try using babyoil and maybe, just mayybe put some redken leave in at the "top" of my hair, and treat the rest to this oil. Very interesting to hear all this, as I've usually heard these oils being shunned!
    You are very welcome.

    You just may find that you need no leave-in.

    Yes, there is a lot of negative hype about mineral oil. This may help you understand why, in part,

    The other part is that often in products that contain mineral oil, the cosmetic companies also use petrolatum and lanolin, both of which are greasy and are waxes (petrolatum contains wax and lanolin is a wax and is sticky) and they tend to cause build-up as they are hard to remove.

    Used on its own, mineral oil/baby oil, used in small amounts is very easily washed out, so you get no residue or build-up, just in my opnion and experience, fantastic results. Others here in the majority of reports by far, agree.

  10. #10
    Member barely.there's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do products that help against humidity actually exist?

    I used Redken for years. eventually my body started becoming intolerant towards it and I got what seems like acne on my scalp. This happens anytime I use a chemical product on my hair. I suggest natural shampoos and conditioners. Since switching, my hair is a lot healthier than it was. Hope you find what works for you

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