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Thread: Adult 18+

  1. #391
    Member LovingLife's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult 18+

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenBritannia View Post
    We already are such a place, are we not?
    Of course, which is why if we are all aware of ourselves in the community, I believe there is no reason for an 18+ thread. And minus just a little bit of rudeness which is quite vicious.
    soft kitty, warm kitty..

  2. #392
    ~BleachedGuru~ justgreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult 18+

    Quote Originally Posted by LovingLife View Post
    Of course, which is why if we are all aware of ourselves in the community, I believe there is no reason for an 18+ thread. And minus just a little bit of rudeness which is quite vicious.
    I'll assume you've read the whole thread? If so, you'll realize this is a relatively TAME thread, with very little rudeness and no viciousness whatsoever. Let's please keep it that way.

    Thank you for posting your opinions.
    Callie sez *meep*
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  3. #393
    Member LovingLife's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult 18+

    Your welcome
    soft kitty, warm kitty..

  4. #394
    Mad about plants....! Evie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult 18+

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenBritannia View Post
    We already are such a place, are we not?
    You know, overall I think we are. The discussions of a sexual nature are, on thinking about it a bit more, no worse than you could find in something like Cosmopolitan magazine which can be bought by teens in the UK at least here, unlike at school/from their peers, you see a balanced (generally) discussion.
    Lady Evye Guardian of the Natural Order in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!
    Taking a general break from the boards in 2012, but will be working on my blog......

  5. #395

    Default Re: Adult 18+

    Quote Originally Posted by C.H. View Post
    Must we really spend all of our adult interactions tip-toeing around a bunch of theoretically unsupervised children? Obviously we don't need anything gratuitous or x-rated in the forums and we can and should maintain such standards as a community, but neither am I prepared to take on the role of some kind of surrogate parent/protector/censor of every minor who finds their way to the site.
    Precisely. If I wanted to parent, I'd have kids. Not sure why other peoples' inability to parent means I have to do it for them. I am dead tired of censoring myself because there MIGHT be a kid around somewhere, and that kid MIGHT be too immature to read a swear word or a reference to sex.

    Look, most message boards require you to be 13 to join. By 13, I was swearing and was well aware what sex was, and I was one of the goody-goodies-- who knows what the other kids were doing but I know I definitely heard people discussing drugs in middle school. Kids these days seem to start even earlier. In addition, if the worst thing these kids are doing online is reading threads about waxing one's vajayjay or graphic info about periods, rather than sending naked pics of themselves to 40-year-olds, or learning how to make meth or bombs, or bullying other kids on Facebook, then I think they're doing pretty well. I also got up to plenty of trouble online that was a lot worse than reading ANYTHING found on a site like this.
    Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
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  6. #396
    Member Tea Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult 18+

    Quote Originally Posted by justgreen View Post
    No one is asking for anything above and beyond what the rules state. Well, maybe the run-on paragraphs. Seriously, those are pretty bad for me. If I come up on a post like that, I just skim over and never read it.
    Oh me too. I just hate that. I never read a post if it is one huge, enormous paragraph, especially if there are no capitals, etc. I ran across this recently on the blogs, and wondered if the person knows that barely anyone will read a post like that, unless they are suckers for punishment.

    Tea Lady
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  7. #397

    Default Re: Adult 18+

    I honestly think these boards are pretty tame. Teenagers these days know about sex, they know about periods, and they know about worse things than that, too. If I had children, I would want to educate them on these things at a reasonably early age. Keeping kids in the dark makes it seem like there is something wrong with sexuality, which in my opinion there isn't. At the same time, I would rather my kids learn about sex through me, or through an informed, non-judgemental source like Planned Parenthood. I don't think anything that is said on these boards violates the PG-13 rule, not that I've seen.

    What I don't like seeing is rudeness and nastiness. I don't think all members are following the rules of respecting one another, I've noticed it's getting worse in the last couple of months. I haven't been around for that long but one of the reasons I joined was because there was such respect between members and the boards were so nice. I still think it's better than most forums but I think it could improve. If everyone just thought about what they write before they write it...
    So, keep the sexuality, get rid of the rudeness, in my opinion. These forums rock!!!

    Edit: I know what I've said has already been said, but I'd like to reiterate it. I tried to read most of the 40 pages so I apologize if it seems I'm just echoing others.
    Last edited by airmid; February 2nd, 2012 at 07:51 AM.

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